Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day Three

3. A Picture of My Night.

This picture makes me smile. Adam grew up & still likes to by choice, watch a lot of tv. I on the other hand grew up playing outside and most of the movie classics, I have never seen. It's easy to get into your comfy place on the couch after dinner and watch TV until bed. I don't feel like much bonding happens. We've recently started playing cribbage again & I just love the one on one time with him.

1 comment:

  1. this made me smile. chad grew up watching a lot of tv also and still likes to do that. i grew up with limited tv time and then was encouraged to play outside or with our toys. so it's frustrating to me to sit and watch tv at night, i can't stand it! we've started, now that it's warmer, sitting on the back porch and cooking out in the evenings. i love that bonding time.
