in 1972 my parents got married. 38 years ago today. my mom from the city. my dad from rural small town wisconsin. in 1975 they had their first baby. in feb of 1978 they had their second. on valentines day. he died. in 1979 they had me. in 1982 they had my little brother. that's some serious stuff to go through in 10 years. oh - and my dad came home one day - and told my mom he bought a FARM - yes - a house, barn, acres - a freakin' farm - and that they were moving that Saturday. crazy.
my dad is a softy - he likes to tell jokes - knows more sports trivia then what's good for him - and likes to make people think he's a tough guy. i see right through it. he's sensitive, kind, caring beyond measure and so loving. i know that some people don't have a good life. they do the best that they know how - but my dad - he didn't give me a good life - he gave me the perfect life. i honestly mean that. after he bought the farm - my grandparents bought their land - if my dad wasn't home after school, my grandpa was waiting for us. my dad brought me to all my doctor appointments, he was my basketball coach and when i needed someone to talk to - he would just sit and hug me. and listen. never pass judgement. he was the one who told me about the baby boy that died between my oldest brother and i. years later - he's still everything i have ever wanted in a dad.
my mom - she's my best friend. we fight like best friends too. we're both perfectionist and completing a project together comes with great satisfaction and also with some fighting. we're so much alike. she's more talented and brilliant than anyone i have ever met. there is nothing that she can't do. she loves her family. she chooses her words carefully but loudly. she's a person that a lot of women seek out to be friends with because they respect her and value her thoughts. she's kind. she's giving. she would do anything for me. all these years later - i'd still choose her to be my mom.
there have been very few times that my parents have talked about losing their baby boy - i do know that an ambulance brought my mom to the hospital because of the bleeding and that they came out and told my dad the baby was dead and my mom had a 50/50 chance. i also know that times like that can make or break a marriage.
happy anniversary mom and dad! i love you beyond words and i'm so thankful that it made your marriage.
Amazing, your parents sound great.