Thursday, July 1, 2010

summer time

summer time makes me so happy. living in texas - it was hot hot hot - we spent a lot of time in our pool - in survival mode - that was also awesome - but after months and months of brown nasty long days with no blue skies and it gets dark outside way too early - this summer is mucho appreciated.

hello sunshine - hello perfect weather - 75 and sunny - warms my heart up like an icy cold coke poured by my grandmother on a hot wisconsin summer afternoon while sitting on the east deck and sharing stories.

windows open every day - low electric bills - summertime walks - dinner on the deck and ice cold gluten free beer... bliss.

this weekend i'm headed to the house my grandmother spent a lot of her younger days in - better known these days as my uncle bob's and my aunt gloria's - i can't wait. i'll get some pictures of there amazing farm house complete with a stone house - and more on uncle bob & aunt gloria soon (great aunt and uncle at that) - amazing human beings that i'd love to put in a bottle and carry around for the rest of my life.

life is good - i'm enjoying this summer so much - and find myself spending less and less time inside everyday - i better eat it up!!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the weekend! Can't wait until we're up north together. I'm hoping I'll get to know Adam better when we are there.
