Wednesday, June 16, 2010

things i know for sure

1. never ever rush an artist. did i say never ever - i mean it.

2. making your bed everyday gives you a sense of accomplishmet - even if you get nothing else done - heck - even if you crawl right back in it. i never ever was a bed maker until we were getting ready to sell our house in tx - 30 days to a new habit i guess.

3. break a sweat - every single day - even if it's just for 30 minutes. it just might be the one thing in life that you'll never regret doing.

4. being gluten free is the best thing i have ever done for myself. i'm a better care taker, daughter, sister, mom to naughty dogs (one who ran away and had me doing the sob tears around the neighborhood - she ran back home while i was out in the neighborhood freaking out) a way better wife - but most important the best me that i have been in a long long time.

5. telling kid jokes with my husband makes us both laugh on the floor like we're five - it's the best. "who do you call when your toe falls off" - "the toe truck" - ha ha ha!! or "how do you scare a bee?" "BOO BEES"

6. tell your girlfriends you love them - don't be embarrased by it - tell them - we need each other - like a car needs tires (that one's for you leesh)

7. open the doors for elders. carry their bags in the airport. put their groceries in their car. listen to them. seek advise from them. wait for them. what our grandparents generation has seen - it is unbelievable and they need us - it's lonely when you lose everything around you that you love.

8. laugh. as much as possible. even if you would like to kick and scream - laugh - tomorrow's a new day.

9. don't be afraid to admit your faults. (i'm a perfectionist - i hate it and love it at the same time - but mostly i hate it.) and if you are a perfectionist - keep trying new things - even if it scares the crap out of you.

10. love the person for who they are - even when they don't pick up their after school/work clothes that lay next to their side of the bed and after you've told them every single day for the last 8 years to pick them up - i mean - that's never happened to me - the truth is - they're not going to change and i'd rather have the shirt and shorts laying around than not to have him around at all.

happy wednesday


  1. I love 2 and 4!! I am so glad your gluten-free diet has proven to be a good thing. I also like the idea of my daily bed-making being a great accomplishment!
    How are you doing by the way??? When is your next cycle?

  2. what an absolutely beautiful list. i make my bed everyday too...without fail.

    i was worried i might hurt you by saying what i said today, about babies. because while they are not at the forefront of my mind, i didn't want to come off as offensive. because my heart breaks when i think of your struggle. i pray for you often.

  3. I love this whole entire post...
    Exactly what I needed this evening :)

  4. I can totally relate to! Great list!

  5. Kristy (I haven't laughed as much as I did in WI)June 30, 2010 at 7:49 AM

    You are awesome! How I miss you!!
