Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 13 - Favorite Artist

Guess what? I got my laptop back - so that must mean that I have to finish my 30 mission that started somewhere in 2011.

At this rate - finishing 30 days will take just as long as it does for us to get knocked up.

My favorite artist is Tim McGraw. Always has been. It just does something to me.... one of his songs was our wedding song. He makes my heart happy.

This weekend Adam and I are celebrating our anniversary by going to Chicago for a little Lallapolloza. Looking forward to some time together.


  1. You just made me lol early in the morning with you "as long as it does for us to get knocked up" comment. Way to look on the bright side of things:) And I love Tim McGraw too.

  2. I agree with the comment above....LOL :)! Have a wonderful weekend in Chicago!

  3. enjoy, sweetie. Happy anniversary.
