Monday, January 11, 2010

Tag Blankets

So last week Tuesday started my first official day of employment in the gb - i'm watching a 4.5 month old little boy - who is simply a-m-a-z-i-n-g.... i can not even tell you how in love i have fallen with this little guy... not to mention that he has amazing parents - i would think that being a first time mom & dad - it would be difficult not to want to smother your kid - hold them all the time - and think that they only need you - his rents' are amazing - from day one they have put their little guy on a routine and his momma is so so good and i feel amazingly blessed that he is in my life. so his mom said last week that he was really liking his tag blanket that was a carters - it's really nice - but i thought - hey - i have some fabric upstairs and tons of ribbons - with different textures and prints - and so while little man was fast asleep - i sewed up a little love for him - he loves it - and that just makes my little heart glow :)

so two pieces of flannel - i didn't measure it - just cut some of - not a big blanket but i think they call them stroller blankets - just big enough for him to grab onto - then i cut out a bunch of ribbons - all six inches - folded them in half and cut some off of a few of them - like you can see in the pictures - fold the edges in - pin in the ribbons - crank that sewing machine on high while your little one - or the kiddo you are watching - sleeps and you have a little bit of love for him or her to hang onto when they wake up....

it takes a village people!!

in other exciting news - i start my training this week for Hospice Volunteering!! So so excited! i know that it's a little crazy - but i can not wait to hopefully help a hospice families life the way that our nurses helped ours - i'll be sure to keep you posted on how training goes.

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