Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy 5th Month Birthday Little Man

in the end of september begining of october - my sister-in-law's, sister, contacted me on facebook about one of her friends looking for someone to watch her new baby - i told her YES YES YES!! and not too long after Kristy contacted me - i had no idea at the time - that i could love a little boy this much - i mean my nephews, yes, i expect that - they have some of my dna - but a family that just a few short months ago - were complete and total strangers - i just wasn't expecting it and i think that some of the best things in life come when you don't expect it at all.

when i was growing up - my dad's best friends wife babysat for us. i can still remember from 10-11 every single day - we had to watch 'as the world turns' and we had to be quiet :) i also remember the third drawer on the right - had chocolate chips in it - and when diane would have to go downstairs to switch around the wash, my little hand was in there for sure! but mostly, there was a lot of love... a lot of hugs and kisses, playing dolls, running around outside - and feeling safe.

so today - little b man - turns five months old... so on his birthday - his momma came to visit him on her lunch! she's such a great mom!! i made him some bibs - and we played, sang and chilled to his favorite cd that his momma brought over to my house.

his grandma got him this little hat - i about fell over in love this morning when his dad dropped him off with it on - can you stand the cuteness!! so i thought - diaper/hat/all white bedding = 100% brilliant beautiful baby (but he really doesn't need anything extra to make him that)

happy 5 month little man! love you so much and i'm so thankful to have you and your amazing family in my life!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

what has gotten into me??

so adam and i have always wanted to have a "finished" bedroom - not just a little of this and a little of that. when we lived in texas we found an amazing bedroom set at a place called - "the dump" - it was a great place to go - kind of like a liquidation store - only all furniture and the size of three home depots - not kidding... so of course - we decided to go back and get it - and... it was gone - some things just aren't meant to be.

this weekend i thought it would be a good idea if we made our own headboard - tufting! and if i just might toot my own horn, this is my blog after all, we are pretty darn happy with it - i found instructions online - followed them exactly and online they said the cost would be 110.00 - we did it for 123.03 - not too shabby - about 12 hours later - seven hours of tufting - this is the finished product.

adam is quite the amazing measure man - so i was so happy that he was able to do the exact measurement work - and i could do the crafting part of it - we sure make a good team - and it was a great project to be able to do together :) love that man!! so - as soon as the rest of the room is put together - i'll post more pictures - i did some curtains too!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tag Blankets

So last week Tuesday started my first official day of employment in the gb - i'm watching a 4.5 month old little boy - who is simply a-m-a-z-i-n-g.... i can not even tell you how in love i have fallen with this little guy... not to mention that he has amazing parents - i would think that being a first time mom & dad - it would be difficult not to want to smother your kid - hold them all the time - and think that they only need you - his rents' are amazing - from day one they have put their little guy on a routine and his momma is so so good and i feel amazingly blessed that he is in my life. so his mom said last week that he was really liking his tag blanket that was a carters - it's really nice - but i thought - hey - i have some fabric upstairs and tons of ribbons - with different textures and prints - and so while little man was fast asleep - i sewed up a little love for him - he loves it - and that just makes my little heart glow :)

so two pieces of flannel - i didn't measure it - just cut some of - not a big blanket but i think they call them stroller blankets - just big enough for him to grab onto - then i cut out a bunch of ribbons - all six inches - folded them in half and cut some off of a few of them - like you can see in the pictures - fold the edges in - pin in the ribbons - crank that sewing machine on high while your little one - or the kiddo you are watching - sleeps and you have a little bit of love for him or her to hang onto when they wake up....

it takes a village people!!

in other exciting news - i start my training this week for Hospice Volunteering!! So so excited! i know that it's a little crazy - but i can not wait to hopefully help a hospice families life the way that our nurses helped ours - i'll be sure to keep you posted on how training goes.